Goal 11: Run At Least One Half Marathon And One Full Marathon
Last year is the year my body started to tell me to cool it a little bit with the marathon running.
I feel very lucky that I have been healthy enough to do the training it takes to get through 26.2 miles.
But I also am aware that I am no young’un and this won’t last forever and it certainly won’t last forever if I keep pushing my body to the limit.
So last year I did two half marathons in the spring and then the New York City Marathon in the fall.
And I have a mind to do something similar this year.
This goal became easier to achieve when I got the lottery spot for Chicago. The marathon is set in stone.
I have a couple of ideas for a half marathon, one of which includes tomorrow’s goal, so we’ll wait for that post before I develop any other big plans.
There are no huge goals for these races. Well, you know that I’d like to run the marathon in less than 5 hours, but that’s really not a shooting for the stars goal. It just means I gained a couple of minutes…and for a half marathon, I guess it depends when it falls. I actually forgot to mention last year I did a third half marathon in September as part of my NYC training. It fell on the week I was supposed to run 16 miles so I ran the 3 miles to the half and then completed those 13 miles. (Which were really miles 4 through 16.) It was not my best half, but I didn’t care. It was a fun way to break up a training long run. I certainly didn’t run that one for the medal.
I guess there’s no chance I’m setting speed records with a half marathon this year. I do think at some point if I train for a fast half marathon I might be able to break 2 hours. That’ll be a fun goal to try to achieve another year.
If I hadn’t gotten into Chicago what would I have done, you ask? Good question. The Philadelphia Marathon is in November and it always has some awesome-looking medals, so that’s one I’d like to do before I hang up my running shoes. There’s also a marathon in Massachusetts in early September, I think? which would be very convenient. And a couple of others in New York worth considering - one in the Hamptons, another in the western part of Long Island.
But I will save those for a future year.
This year it’s some 5ks, I’d like to run a couple of 10ks I see on the racing calendar, and the Chicago Marathon.
Along with a half marathon to be named later.