2025 Week 10 To-Do

I don’t know whether or not you remember the story I told when we saw the movie Wicked: Part One.

If you don’t you can click here to go back and find it.

But the gist is that Kathy didn’t remember seeing it in the theater.

So I saw this ad in my New Yorker magazine last week and just thought it was outrageously funny that their whole ad campaign is ‘See it live, remember it forever.’


OK. On to the To-Do List:

This Week’s To-Do

  • Work. That’s boring, but it’s the first full week where I’ll have my work responsibilities and Kathy is home so we’ll get a little sense of how things will look for the rest of the school year.

  • There’s a School Event on Wednesday. These tend to be few and far between, but this spring will be the exception - there are a lot of senior-in-high-school events on the horizon. This one’s a middle school event though.

  • Loyal reader my cousin Eddie has a birthday coming up on Saturday. Wish Him A Happy Birthday if you see him. (He’s not the only birthday we’re talking about this week. The other one gets a special post on Tuesday.)

This Week’s May-Do

  • Kathy has talked for a while about Re-Painting Downstairs. It’s been a while (I’ll be writing about that this month, actually), and it’s daunting. But I think I can break it up into small chunks and get it done relatively quickly. But I need to statt soon, and I’m thinking about doing that this week. Maybe coupled with the Rearranging of the Home Gym downstairs, which I’ve talked about before but have yet to do.

  • Speaking of which, I also haven’t ordered MLB.TV yet. This is probably the week to get that done.

Sunday is kind of a gray area - next Sunday is my first 5K, which is kind of part of this week’s to-do but also next week’s to-do?

If you want to look back in more detail here’s the link, but here’s how last week went:

Last Week’s To-Do

  • This week went much more smoothly than the last time Kathy was away.

  • That’s even more odd because of the fact that I was working out of the house so much. But I did get a lot of help from my daughters - super flexible and helpful.

  • I’m settling in to the new routine. I did create a blog post on Monday, did some editing the rest of the week. Because I had to stay up late to pick up my daughter from dance, I did some other writing in the evenings on Tuesday and Thursday.

This Week’s May-Do

  • I did in fact watch both episodes of Daredevil on Friday night. I’ll be writing about that show at some point.