New Thing #294: Bauer
Here's a guaranteed way to get me to listen to your music/write about you as a New Thing on Music Monday:
Follow me on Twitter.
It worked for Bauer.
I wrote about Keane a couple of weeks ago and next thing I know I'm being followed by @bauermusic_ (Free Twitter advice to Bauer: I'm not sure you want the underscore at the end of your twitter handle...but what do I know.)
So I gave some of their stuff a listen.
Bauer has an album out that's less than a year old - it's called Sleeping Giant.
I'm not sure if they toured with (opened for) Keane or just sound like Keane - and they certainly do sound like Keane, so that might be the only connection between them following me after I tweeted about Keane. (Kind of like if their slogan was, "If you like Keane, you'll also like us!")
But the band, from England (like Keane!), seems like it could probably stand on its own. I liked the music - it was upbeat. It was my type of music.
I endorse it - you can look into some of Bauer's music for yourself on their website.
It also reminded me that the last time we saw Keane in Boston they had a band called Mystery Jets opening up for them. They were also from England, if I remember correctly, and they weren't bad either.
Not a very diverse choice for this week's Music Monday - it's more of the same, really, as far as my musical tastes - but it's always good to find something new that I like.