The Kids Take Over Part II, Year 3


(Sunday Paper, Year IV, Issue 24)

Happy Father’s Day to my fellow dads out there. To celebrate, I’m taking the week off from the Sunday Paper. Well, the month, really, thanks to my daughters writing the Sunday Paper these few weeks.

Last week it was my oldest daughter, this week it’s my middle daughter. This was what she wrote last year, and this was her first Sunday Paper.

As you can see in the picture, she too has made herself comfortable in my office.

Let’s see what she has to say.


Hi. It’s me again. Abigail. This year, I am talking about technology. Technology has become a big thing lately in my school. We use different types of robots. One of the robots that we use is called a Sphero. It is a spherical robot that can be controlled in different ways. You can control it using block coding, draw coding, text coding, or just drive if you want to have some fun! Text coding is the most advanced way to code a Sphero. Then block coding, then draw, and the easiest way to code a Sphero is to drive it. Spheros are so cool! They come in all shapes and sizes. Another robot that we use is called a Bee-Bot. Bee-Bots are better for little kids because you press buttons to tell the Bee-Bot where to go. Bee-Bots are shaped like bees.They are easier to code than Spheros. Coding robots is super fun!

A cool thing that we did this year in school is that we took a field trip to Patriot Place at Gillette Stadium. You don’t have to be a fan to visit. It is super cool to see everything in the Hall! They have things about the history of the Patriots, like a football for each of the games in their twenty two game winning streak. They also have little booths where you can be the referee and judge the right call of one of the plays. Another cool thing they have is a place where you can punt a football and try to get a field goal. I also loved to learn about the different people in the Patriots Hall of Fame. FUN FACT: Did you know that one of the Patriots team photos was different from all of the others? The photos were separate from each other, and all of the other team photos were the team all together. Patriot Place at Gillette Stadium is an AWESOME place to visit!


For my writing column this year I will write you a story.

Once upon a time there was a goat who liked to yodel. He yodeled and yodeled all day long. Then at night the neighbors said, “Be quiet! We are trying to sleep!” Then the goat yodeled in his head all night long. The next day his neighbors said, “Shush and don’t yodel. We want to nap all day long. Do NOT disturb us!” So he moved to the next neighborhood and yodeled all day and all night long. He yodeled as much as he wanted and nobody complained. It turned out that the goat had no neighbors. Eh. Everybody still lives happily ever after. THE END!


*Everybody tells me I’m not funny. Yet, year after year, this column is left for me to fill! What is up with that? Am I supposed to tell my own jokes? Am I supposed to tell my sister’s jokes? What am I supposed to do with this column? I’m stumped. Well, if I think of something I’ll let you know.

Things I Like So You Should Like Them Too

*I like an author named Wendy Mass. She has some good books such as The Candymakers, The Candymakers and the Great Chocolate Chase, Pi in the Sky, 11 Birthdays, Finally, and 13 Gifts. They are all such good books! The books that Wendy Mass wrote are good for both kids and grown ups. I like the books that Wendy Mass has written, so I think that you should try them too!


*I play softball

*I play travel basketball

*I take dance classes

*I like ice cream and chocolate and candy in general

*Cheesy jokes are one of my pet peeves

*My dad forces me to eat double chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream

*The end.

P.S. I know what to put in my comedy column! Well, if it’s such a struggle for me to find something to put in it, I’ll just put nothing!

THE END! (for real)