Stay At Home Dad Week 16 - Stay At Home Dog
Top: Tate on the day we got her, June 26, 2019
Bottom: Tate on her first ‘Gotcha Day’, June 26, 2020
(Sunday Paper, Year V, Issue 27)
I’ve managed to extend my time off by one more week, since we now have one more member of the family.
Last year was the first time Tate took over the Sunday Paper for a week.
You can see what she had to say then by clicking here.
This year, with the help of all three of the girls, Tate was able to put together another Sunday Paper.
I’ll be back next week…for now, enjoy a Sunday Paper from the dog.
Hello friends! I wrote one of these posts last year, and this year, Daddy said I could do another one.
My humans say that we’re in quarantine right now. I don’t really know what that means, but everyone is home, and I get lots of attention, so it’s ok. I haven’t been able to see any of my friends though, and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s just part of quarantine, but I will say, it’s kinda ruff.
Daddy’s been doing a lot with the backyard. He got a thing that breathes fire, and the humans cook puffy white blobs with it. They never give me any, so I need to have my own snack that consists of the grass that Daddy’s been planting. It tastes way better fresh.
What I’ve Been Enjoying
I’ve been enjoying my daily walks! Ohmygoodness I just LOVE going on walks. Definitely the highlight of my day. Since everyone is home, Mommy has been coming with me and Daddy, and sometimes my sisters will come with us too!
*I turned 1 this year! I had something called a birthday, and my humans gave me new toys and stuff. It was fun.
*I have 3 sisters. They make my butt wiggle. They give me a lot of love and attention, and I mean A LOT of love and attention. They’re also helping me write this!
*I’m allowed to go downstairs now! I used to only be allowed upstairs, but now I can go downstairs too! I can also go in my sisters’ rooms, but not Mommy and Daddy’s room because I peed in there. Oops.
Okay, well, I think that’s all for now! Daddy just said it’s time for a walk, so I gotta run. Thanks for reading this! Bye!