2025 Week 3 To-Do
A highlight of the week - I rearranged my office desks. This is how it looks…for now.
I was in the habit of scheduling my Sunday Paper posts for 7am on Sundays because that’s what felt right, but I feel like these posts can go up earlier. I wake up in the 5 o’clock hour (I would love to tell you 5:15 but I’ve been having trouble doing that recently) and I don’t like the idea that they don’t go up for a couple more hours after that. So I’ve scooted the post time up to 6am. Some days maybe it’ll need to be later. I don’t know. But there’s no reason it shouldn’t be there to read when most people are waking up. So that’s the time moving forward.
OK. Here’s the To-Do List:
This Week’s To-Do
Register for the BAA Medley: I’ll have more information about this on Wednesday, so I don’t want to spoil the info for you any more than I already have. Stay tuned for what is hopefully good news…otherwise I’ll have to cut down the 2025 goals to 11.
This is more of an FYI about the week but it feels like it belongs here: Monday is a holiday, which is nice because everyone is home and I like that. But I’ll still need to work. Then the rest of the week is mid-terms for the high schoolers which means possibly some weird pick-up times so it could be an interrupted-y work week.
Also, although I’ll be working Monday it sounds like I’ll also be shoveling a lot of snow.
I put on my big boy pants and called the mechanic to get some brake work done that I’ve been putting off. So I’ll bring the car in on Wednesday, maybe do a run back home. Should have my car back by the end of the day, according to the guy THAT I CALLED ON THE PHONE LIKE A NORMAL ADULT.
This Week’s May-Do
I’m toying with the idea of setting up a calendar for the month planning out dinners. Is that insane? Like a school lunch menu, except for our dinners. Then I can visualize, OK, we did burgers this week so maybe we go a couple of weeks before burgers again. It’s probably not as hard as it seems, and it would certainly help structure the shopping list each week instead of scrambling for dinner ideas and ‘what are we doing this week?’ Maybe I’ll try it for February - a short month. Perfect for beta testing.
It would probably behoove my mental health to Avoid The News this week. Not sure I can afford to keep that up for four years, but I’m not ready yet for the circus. Limiting social media might not be a bad idea either.
How’d we do last week? Well, as you see in the picture above, that’s my rearranged office. I forget how it used to look - I have moved the desks around in different formations over the years I’ve used this home office. This works for me for now, and we’ll see if I need to shift things around even more. That was a may-do from two weeks ago, though. Let’s catch you up on the rest of last week’s lists:
Last Week’s To-Do
I’m always afraid things will go sideways on the first days of classes but every semester students start watching the videos and submitting the work and it continues as a pretty well-oiled machine. So far, so good.
This was the first year I had an inflatable outside for the Christmas decorations - a fun snowman that took me a few tries to get right in a particularly windy December. He was the one I was most worried about getting back inside, though, after last week’s (bigger than expected) snowfall. He dried out pretty good by Tuesday - our front yard gets lots of sun - and I got him put away. The candy canes were frozen in the ground pretty good. I used pliers to get the stakes out of the ground. Smart move by me. Just need to put a table back where the Christmas tree was and we are 100% de-Christmas decorated.
Sounds like my mom had a nice birthday. Can not confirm or deny the rumor that our phone call was the highlight.
Last Week’s May-Do
I’m writing, I haven’t been Reel-ing, and I have not made a new Strava art design yet. But all of these things will continue to happen all year long.