The Lumineers
I loved The Lumineers’ first album when it came out.
There were a few songs on there I listened to over and over - I remember loving ‘Big Parade,’ and ‘Submarines,’ and of course ‘Ho Hey.’ ‘Stubborn Love’ was another one - I think they played that on Saturday Night Live and it was very exciting.
We listened to that album so many times on drives to New York.
My brother played at a venue in Boston that was one of the first places they played as a band, I think, and I thought that was cool - there was a picture of the band hanging in the lobby.
I liked The Lumineers. I wanted to love them.
And then I just kind of got tired of them.
I didn’t love their next few albums as albums. I liked the songs I heard on the radio a lot - they were catchy.
But even when I went back and listened to that first album again, none of the songs hit me the same way.
I don’t know why that is. Maybe I should listen to it front to back again and see how they feel.
They have a new album out, called ‘Automatic.’
A couple of weeks ago when we drove to New York I gave it a listen - it’s only about a half hour long, which is kind of unusual nowadays. 11 songs, 32 minutes.
I was reluctant because to be honest I didn’t even like the single off the album that the radio has been playing. (Which, listening to it on the album I decided it sounded a lot like a song by The Strokes. I didn’t get that feeling when I heard it on the radio.)
But I figured maybe there’s a hidden gem on the album. There wasn’t, really. As a whole the album is fine.
It sounds like The Lumineers. And, again, I really want to enjoy it, but it’s not lighting me up.
The Lumineers are touring and doing a bunch of ballparks, including Fenway Park and Citi Field. My daughter brought up the possibility of going. I decided I don’t know if I would pay (or drive to New York) to see them…but I might enjoy the show.
So I entered a radio contest. I hope I win tickets.
Because I’m always rooting for The Lumineers and I hope someday their music will hit me the same way it did when I first listened to that first album.
Maybe that could happen live.