Stay At Home Dad Week 4
Wednesday was Gary Carter’s birthday, and putting together the majority of my collection of Gary Carter memorabilia was one of the most exciting things I did this week.
It is getting harder and harder to get a good Sunday Paper picture for you all these days…
(Sunday Paper, Year V, Issue 15)
Oh man, has it really been four weeks of this?
That’s almost unbelievable…
…but I’m living through it so I quite believe it.
Once again, I encourage you to share the highlights and lowlights of your week either in the comments on the Facebook page or following this post.
I didn’t have a bad week…but I’m sorry to report I didn’t have the most exciting week in the world either.
Here are my highlights and lowlights.
I will get the bad news out of the way first: Some days I am feeling the weight of all this. There’s nothing in particular that sets me off and there’s nothing in particular that makes me feel better. It’s just a real downer, despite my efforts to stay positive. And this week there were one, one-and-a-half, to two days like this. Of course, in some ways, it’s a shocker that it’s not always like this.
But it’s still a lowlight when it happens.
Big news from the Sucich household this week - my youngest daughter finally got over that last hurdle in riding a bike on her own and we have three bike riders. She’s on a much more accelerated curve than her sisters, too, when they first learned to be on their own…because she wants to catch up to them. So we’ve already done some lengthier rides…it’ll be fun when we get all the bikes off to a path somewhere and can ride as a family.
Also, I haven’t done the exact math on this, but I am sure she is one of, oh, I’ll say a zillion kids who have learned to ride a bike in March and April of 2020.
When we last went shopping I bought a ‘party size’ bag of chips that I figured I could sneak out every evening and have as a little treat before bed. This was a mistake. The worst part is, I knew it was a mistake when I bought the chips.
Alas, I have had a week of chip-eating before bed and it was disgusting. Thankfully I finished the bag and we will not be shopping this week if we can help it.
I’ve got nothing but highlights the rest of the way. Here goes:
*I had an Amazon gift card burning a proverbial hole in my pocket, so we did some non-essential Amazon ordering this week. I got a pair of wireless ear buds that actually fit in my ears. (The Apple ear buds do not fit my ears well, and my old earphones were broken. So this was overdue.) And then while we were at it we got the girls a little something each as kind of an Easter present, since Easter is so weird this year. (Hey, Happy Easter, if that’s your thing.) It’s fun getting packages in this situation. Hopefully they’re not full of viruses!
*We’ve been watching the John Krasinski “Some Good News” pieces and they are very good and make me happy-cry.
*Here in Framingham the school plan came out on Monday so the girls had a much more school-directed learning experience this week. That seems to have been going well.
*Had a couple of more Zoom sessions this week which are very nice.
*And I’ve continued with my lessons on the YouTube channel. (Subscribing here is one way you can keep tabs on the lessons.) I post the links on the Facebook page (which you should Like by clicking here if you don’t already) and also sometimes on Twitter, where you can also follow me.
I’m no John Krasinski in terms of viewers, but I have people tuning in every day and that makes me happy, because I like how these lessons have helped me structure my day…and I rather enjoy teaching stuff that’s fun for me. (Friday’s Field Trip Friday was about keeping score at a baseball game!) So I’ll keep doing them for the foreseeable future. I hope you (or someone with a school-age child) will check them out and I hope you (or that school-age child) enjoy them.
Otherwise, I hope you have a nice week. If you need to chat or something, reach out.