Stay At Home Dad Week 5 - In Pictures!
Anxiously waiting for our tulips to grow.
(Sunday Paper, Year V, Issue 16)
This is getting a little old.
I can’t write about my writing and comedy and keep you up on my weekly adventures if there are no comedy or weekly adventures being had. (There is writing but I’ll save that for another post.)
So, in an effort to keep you from getting bored, we’re switching things up!
If there’s nothing else we need right now, it’s a little variety in our routines, right?
So, we’re still looking at some highlights and lowlights of the week…
…but this time, we’re doing it in picture form!
I’ll start with a quick note about the picture at the top of the post: last week I planted some tulip bulbs Kathy had bought when she traveled to Amsterdam a couple of years ago. “A couple of years ago, John?” you ask? “Can they still possibly be good?”
Well, I really don’t know…but I do have a little update at the end of the post.
I’m going to call this both a highlight and a lowlight - because Kathy made me a good mask which I wore out in public for the first time this week. She’s been cooking and sewing like crazy and this mask (there is no Sunday Paper logo on the actual mask) protected me and since we need to wear them I don’t know that I would have had one without her.
I did not like being in public and having to wear a mask.
I wrote about this in my Wednesday picture post on the Facebook page.
You can find that there if you want to read more about how anxious the act of shopping in the grocery store makes me.
I am still enjoying doing the lessons every day. It scratches an itch for me to put something out every day and I hope it helps some people with something to watch on a day-to-day basis.
I know most of you aren’t watching it (much to my dismay it gives me a view count and I can do the math - more people are not watching it than are watching it) but each day there are people watching who I don’t know…so until those people reveal themselves and until I find I’m doing it for nobody, I’ll keep doing it.
You can find all of the videos at this link.
I had a clunker on Wednesday, but the rest of the week went pretty well. At the end of the week I got to talk about the events leading up to the start of the American Revolution, which is always fun for me. And I did a couple of great drawings to accompany the lessons. If you had asked me early in the week what my favorite historical drawing was, I would have told you my interpretation of the Boston Tea Party, pictured at the left.
But then on Thursday I drew this awesome map of colonial Boston and surrounding towns. It was a good week overall for my history drawings.
Last Saturday I threw out an Instagram poll and asked if anyone cared to watch me play a song on Instagram Live. Amazingly I got 100% approval that I should do it. So on Sunday I played Billy Joel’s ‘Lullabye’.
I know I am not a great piano player, but I play that song well. (And a few others.) I thought I’d work up the courage to sing also but I am not a good nor am I a confident singer. So I just kind of talked the song.
I was very nervous about the whole thing. I don’t mind getting on stage in front of people…but I am not a musical performer. So that was a real stretch.
But I think it was good for me.
I might do it again.
No singing, just the music, and you can sing along at home if you’d like.
Keep an eye on my Instagram if you’d like. I’ll leave that link here.
And while I’m promoting my social media you can follow me on Twitter here, and you can Like my Facebook page here.
I was fully planning on having a couple more pictures down here, but we just ran out of week.
Next week, I might tell you about the haircut Kathy gave me. (I think it’s time to finally pull the trigger on that and get my hair cut. I was going to have her do it on Friday but put it off. We’ll see if it even happens this week.)
Meanwhile, I don’t think I’ll have tulip information for you next week. I was very excited about all the water the bulbs got with the rain on Monday…only to wake up Tuesday morning to see that something had dug very specifically in the spots where the bulbs were and eaten almost all of them. Kathy looked it up later and found that it could have been a rabbit or a squirrel or a deer…all of which could have been in our front yard. What you see below is where we won’t have tulips growing.
And with that, I hope you have a nice week…or at least you’re more squirrel than tulip bulb in the week ahead.